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VIDEO - Inclusion in work, community & sport

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
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Brisbane 2032
Disability Advocacy
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Unconscious Bias
Sport Access Foundation
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Rio Paralympics

I am excited to launch a range of new videos on insights and lived experiences of disability. My goal is to engage with organisations who are aspiring to achieve and continually evolve their diversity and inclusion outputs.

I will be sharing a range of videos that talk to Unconscious Bias, Ableism and Disablist Attitudes, Best practices for inclusion, and other topics on disability in our workplace, community and sport. A full transcript and visual description of the images are below underneath the link to the video which is embedded on You Tube.

Three topics on Disability and Inclusion in workplace, sport and community are introduced in this video bu 2x Paralympian and Disability and Inclusion Advocate Katie Kelly.

Visual description of images and footages in the video

The video includes Katie sitting on a high stool chair by herself, in a green dress. It is being filmed in a film studio and throughout the video Katie is talking and facing the camera as she shares experiences of competing in Para-triathlon, and her career as an advocate for disability and inclusion. At times there is soft gentle music in the background.

There are no other sound effects. Throughout the video there are images of Katie crossing the finish line at Rio 2016 Paralympics with her Guide, Michellie Jones OAM on her side. Additional images also include Katie and Michellie training on a tandem bike both stationary and on the open road, as well as competing in other para-triathlon races including Chicago 2015 World Championships.

As Katie talks about inclusion in the workplace, there are images of people who are wheelchair users, and one person who is putting a hearing aid on. There are images of Katie speaking to media including ABC Breakfast, Channel 7, and ABC Radio. One image also include Katie receiving an award at Griffith University and speaking on stage at an event.

During the video, when Katie talks about community and sport, there are images of her training as an athlete in the gym, and running on a road in the rain. There is also video images of her speaking at event for Sport Access Foundation. There is also a an image of Katie in the studio wearing jeans, and patting her Guide Dog Guthrie who sits by her side. He is a black Labrador / retriever and 3 years old at the time of filming.The video ends with an image that includes the text Katie Kelly OAM PLY, Disability and Inclusion Advocate and 2 x Paralympian, with the website The image includes at Katie Kelly logo which has the letters KK, and it is on a navy background with white font.


My name is Katie Kelly, and I'm a diversity and Inclusion advocate and a two time Paralympian.My current role is in diversity and inclusion for an Australian employment service provider.I'm on the board of a non for profit that improves the lives of people with disabilities.And I'm also the founder and director of a foundation I established called  Sport Access Foundation.

There are a lot of things that I'm really passionate to talk about and three key pillars that I talk to are around disability in the workplace.And there's some great conversations we can have and experiences that I can share on how we improve access and inclusion of people with disability.How we facilitate a culture that is inclusive and where people feel comfortable to be themselves.

The second area, I guess, is sharing my life experiences.Somebody that's had a disability from birth to learning that I was hard of hearing wearing hearing aids from a young age to not wanting to disclose my disability, and then the experience of going on to the Paralympics, experiencing being part of the Paralympic movement and finally feeling comfortable to talk about my disability and advocate to improve the lives people of disability in the workplace and community.And then the third area is really talking about what it's like to have a disability the everyday.

And when I think about my friends in the community, people with disabilities, so diverse, and the experiences that we all have are very different and I can talk to and share some of the experiences and funny interactions I have with people around having a guide dog and the way they interact with me as a as a woman with a guide dog.So these are conversations I'm really passionate and excited to share with you.

And opening up the conversation to educate and learn. I've been so fortunate to have the experiences that I've had, incredible stories that I love to share and my goal is that we can take away these conversations and that all of us together can work towards a more inclusive future.

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 Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability
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