In this video, Katie Kelly shares insights on disclosing disability in the workplace, and how organisations can create a culture which empowers people to disclose. Visual
It was 11 years since Olympian Scotty Westcott OLY and I founded the Achieve Australia Casino Fun Run. On Sunday, thanks to the wonderful local volunteers and organisers, there
Katie Kelly: I've really enjoyed the leadership and advocacy coming out of the Australian team. As the Paris Paralympic games wrap up, Rio Para-Triathlon Gold medal winner
Why are some athletes not able to compete in their preferred events at the Paris Games? And why have some categories disappeared from the schedule this time around.
I am excited to launch a range of new videos on insights and lived experiences of disability. My goal is to engage with organisations who are aspiring to achieve and continually
So how hard is it for athletes who have put their heart and soul into achieving their dream to come so close but just miss out? Katie Kelly won Gold in the Para-Triathlon in Rio
I talk to Ableism and Disablist attitudes, what do these mean and how do they manifest in the everyday lives for people with disability. By sharing lived experiences I hope to